Prosthetic Home Care
Dayton Artificial Limb is the only prosthetic clinic specializing in Amputee and Prosthetic Home Care! Our Mobile Unit is a fully-equipped prosthetic workshop! The Mobile Unit allows DALC to conduct prosthetic consults, fittings, and adjustments at patients' homes and/or other external locations.
Mobile Prosthetic Care has shown a significant impact on the way we treat our patients due to the current transportation crisis we are seeing in the healthcare industry. For amputees specifically, it is extremely difficult for many patients to receive the care they need and deserve, especially if the patient is limited in mobility or bound to a wheelchair. Getting to and from appointments can be tough, this is just one more thing we can take off our patient’s hands.
Transportation Issues? – We’ll come to you!
Saving you Time and Money
Faster Process – Quickest Road to Rehabilitation
We see approximately 70% of our patients in their home

We are very fortunate to have the team at DALC.
“When my husband had his amputation, we met with Brad (DALC’s head practitioner) and he went over the process, so we knew what to expect moving forward. Brad was there after the procedure to check in and followed up at the nursing home and our house weekly until my husband received his leg. Now anytime we have an issue, Brad makes it out to our house within the next day or so to make any changes. We are very fortunate to have the team at DALC through this transition.”
— P.G.